Mental Health Awareness Month Facts

National Council for Mental Well Being

Each May, the National Council observes Mental Health Awareness Month, a national event to bring attention to the importance of mental health. To help raise awareness in your community, we compiled publications, toolkits, original content and other learning materials for you to take advantage of throughout the month. Help us spread the word through awareness and advocacy!

One in five adults (57.8 million adults) in the U.S. experienced mental illness in 2021.

46.3 million people aged 12 or over had a substance use disorder in 2021.

47.2% of U.S. adults with mental illness received treatment in 2021.

65.4% of U.S. adults with serious mental illness received treatment in 2021.

33.5% of U.S. adults with mental illness also experienced a substance use disorder in 2021 (19.4 million individuals).

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among people aged 10-14 and the third leading cause of death among those aged 15-24 in the U.S.

46% of people who die by suicide had a diagnosed mental health condition.

At least 4 million people in the U.S. provide care to an adult with a mental or emotional health issue.

The average delay between symptom onset and treatment for mental illness is 11 years.

3 million Americans live in recovery after some form of substance use challenge.

Three out of four people who experience addiction eventually recover.

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